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Foam Projectile

SMPP Foam Projectile

Current product: SMPP Foam ProjectileApplicable pipe: efficient cleaning hose, aluminum pipe, copper pipe, stainless steel pipe, iron pipe, plastic pipe, hard pipe, hose and other materials pipeDensity: Medium density and high densityDiameter: 3mm-120mm (large size can be customized)Recommended size
product details

Current product: SMPP Foam Projectile

Applicable pipe: efficient cleaning hose, aluminum pipe, copper pipe, stainless steel pipe, iron pipe, plastic pipe, hard pipe, hose and other materials pipe

Density: Medium density and high density

Diameter: 3mm-120mm (large size can be customized)
Recommended sizes are approximately 20% larger than the Internal Diameter being cleaned. This allows for good pressure against the internal wall.

Working principle:Equipment using the transmitter to the line of launching a special projectile is greater than the pipe diameter must be standard, make the projectile high speed movement and and pipe wall friction along the pipeline, to clean dry physical cleaning technology for the inner surface of pipe, it can through 90 degrees, T type, ring type, U type, snakes and other complex curved line, and can effectively remove the pipe inside the water, sediment and the inner wall of pipeline caused by impurities, such as pipe residual impurities

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APS TUBE PNEUMATIC CLEANING (TANGSHAN) CO.,LTD is a professional production of PSI pneumatic cleaning equipment, PSI manufactures, markets and distributes a family of revolutionary air tools for the cleaning of hose, tube and pipe from 3mm to 100mm across a wide range of industry for the 21st century.

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